Thursday, April 04, 2024

Going Along to Get Along


In Groupthink, Do You Go Along To Get Along With Others? | Leaderonomics


Smarter people

Smarter work,

Smarter politicians

Smarter jerks.


Smarter church leaders

Smarter church,

Smarter countries

Smarter experts.


Effective and efficient

Get it done but smart,

Just aim to be eloquent

From the start.



That’s anything can go,


No need to know.


Both are dumb

And both make sense,

You can choose your own poison

I mean no offense.


Sam Rayburn Quote: “If you want to get along, go along.”


Whatever the stance

Or whatever the philosophy,

Going along to get along

Is a good strategy.


Going along to get along-

That’s democracy!

No need to rock the boat

And create instability.


Suffer to be led

But never to lead,

Leading is another’s right,

Just accede.


It goes every other

And every other you are not,

You come just before

So it’s not your spot.


“Leaders are born”

Does not apply to you,

You were born subservient

So pay your due.



Sam Rayburn Quote: “If you want to get along, go along.”


We’d get along better

If you just go along,

It is the leader’s prerogative

To decide right or wrong.


Passivity is rampant

And so is apathy,

I will not trouble “trouble”

Unless it troubles me.


In the meantime

Go along to get along,

If this is working for you

Then it can’t be wrong.


Nothing that works

Can be consider wrong,

Leave the thinking to another

And we’ll get along.


Nothing is absolute

And you are not here

But if you believe you are

That too is fair.


Don’t get involve

If you need not be,

You are involved anyway

Though you can’t see.



Can you be intelligent, but not smart? - Quora


No understanding required

To move with the flow,

Let the current take you

Wherever it may go.


It is called being smart

Going along to get along,

Going somewhere or getting nowhere

You’re still someone’s clown.


No need to work hard

Just work smart,

Use today for the thinking

And tomorrow start.


Smarter people

Smarter work,

Smarter politicians

Smarter jerks.


Smarter church leaders

Smarter church,

Smarter countries

Smarter experts.


What a wonderful world

This would be

If everybody, including you,

Agreed with me!


Welcome to irony

And to sarcasm,

If you didn’t get this

You’re not a moron.


Stewart Russell © March 24, 2024


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