Sunday, March 20, 2022

Living on Broadway


Cinema of the United States - Wikipedia



Hollywood didn’t just start

It’s been around a while,

In Matthew chapter 7 verse 13

You will find this file.


Enter in at the strait gate

For broad is the way,

And just like way back in those times

We have Broadway today.


No mixing up of the two

Let us be very clear:

Hollywood and the holy walk

Should not be compared.


Contrast is more appropriate,

It’s not a comparison,

Broad and narrow as you know

Are definitely antonyms.


For those who have forgotten

And those who never knew,

Antonyms mean opposites

As in the case of false and true.


Hollywood is make-believe,

Though in many ways it is true

Given its many actors and actresses

That mimic me and you.


English Poem In Hindi "All the Worlds a Stage" By William Shakespeare - English Poem In Hindi "All the Worlds a Stage" By William  Shakespeare


“All the world’s a stage”

You’d recall the words of Shakespeare,

Hollywood or Broadway

Call it what you may!


Some will watch a movie

And behave as though it is true,

Unable to extricate themselves,

It will become their view.


For entertainment, Yes!

For enlightenment, No!

Do separate the real from the unreal!

By now we ought to know.


Distinguish between the ways

And choose the narrow way,

One of them leads to destruction

The other is the heavenly way.


The broad-way, the Bible shows,

Is just like a horror movie,

However, it is not fictional

But it is as real as real can be!


Remove the Excess Baggage of Sin and Enter into the Narrow Gate | A Russian  Orthodox Church Website


Enter in at the strait gate!

Broadway is make-believe,

It will promise you a whole lot

But little you will receive.


Are you living on Broadway?

It’s time for a reality check!

An eternal hangover is promised

After your Broadway fete!


Pardon me, my friend,

If I am not politically correct,

It’s better you know here and now

Than be a heavenly reject.


Stewart Russell © February 10, 2022



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