Friday, May 29, 2020

Why Bother?

Go! Matthew 28:19-20 - YouTube

Why bother…
When Jesus is coming soon?
Why bother?
He could come morning, night or noon.

No bother, I say…
If he should come today,
I am wonderfully saved
And ready to be on my way.

Why bother…
 About what is going on?
Soon the Lord is going to come-
He could do so before dawn.

Why bother...
When nothing we can change?
The world is supposed to get worse
Because people are deranged.

Why bother…
About the trouble I see…
And sing all day long
That nobody knows it but me?

Why bother…
When Jesus is on his way?
Believe you me, you scoffers,
It could even be today.

Why bother…
When the time is drawing nearer?
Given the signs around
To me, it is definitely clearer.

Jesus is standing up
The writing is in the air,
Why bother…
When I have no need to fear?

Calvary Chapel New Harvest
Why bother…?
But he said, “Occupy till I come.”
Why bother…?
Because he gave you a great commission.

Why sit and recline
Without a care on your mind
Knowing full well
That this is “go and tell” time?

Why bother…?
Like seriously, are you kidding me?
Just waiting for Jesus’ return
Seems so silly.

Where would you be
If that believer did not bother
To tell you about Jesus
And instead had asked, “Why bother?”
Men of Galilee, why do you stand here looking up into the sky ...  
Why bother…
To keep looking up into heaven
Instead of telling an earthly brother
That his sins can be forgiven?

Why bother…
To vegetate and lose sight of life
Just waiting for Jesus to return
To free you from earth’s strife?

You ask, “Why bother?”
Because there’s much work to do,
Being salt to the world
Is for me and for you too.

YE ARE THE SALT OF THE EARTH (With images) | Salt and light, Salt ...

So, bother we should...
We are Christ’s lights in this world
To minister his word
Until the whole world has heard.

Stewart Russell © May 2020

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