Sunday, June 25, 2023

As in the Old so in the New


75 Bible verses about Covenant


She did as she liked

And ruled with an iron hand

And when her husband was depressed

She claimed another’s land.


She had him stoned and slain

And boasted about his death

Then she said to her husband

You can add that to your wealth.


She found it rather strange

That a king could be depressed

And that something that he wanted

Could give him so much stress.


When Elijah Mocked the Priests of Baal


She even scared a prophet

And made him run and hide,

He had slain her false prophets

That her table had supplied.


St. Mary's Coptic Orthodox Church


She set a watch upon his life

He must die within a day

And when he heard the dreadful news

He took to his heels and ran away.


It still remains a mystery

After his victory at Mount Carmel

How the faith of this great prophet

To such staggering depths fell.


Such was the fear for this woman

She could frighten any man,

Even her husband seemed to fear her

Though he benefitted from her plan.


Her husband was very wicked

But she was incomparably worse,

To come up on her wrong side

Was to be afflicted with a curse.


She stirred the king to wickedness

The description the Bible used

And all who dared to oppose her

Their life they were sure to lose.


She even killed some of the prophets

And planned to exterminate more

Such that a hundred had to be hidden,

This queen was vexing sore.


But the end comes for all

Whether they be good or bad

And the end for this Old Testament queen

Turned out to be very sad.


It was prophesied how she would die

A very horrible death indeed,

How as her body lay in the street

The dogs would on it feed.


Sister 4 Sister AUS - Queen Jezebel was a very "EVIL" and "WICKED" woman  with a "BLOODY" history. Her husband, King Ahab, was a "HEN-PECKED" man. He  was always throwing "FITS" when


That’s exactly how she died

Confirming the prophecy in full,

All that was left after the dogs did eat

Were her feet, her palms and skull.


Let me hasten to establish

As in the Old so in the New,

We shall learn of a New Testament king

That like this queen had a similar view.


This king was no different

And ruled with an iron hand

He lived an adulterous life

With the wife of another man.


The thing that made it worse

Was that it was his brother’s wife

And the prophet of that time

Rebuked him for this strife.


He wanted to kill the prophet

But decided to have him imprisoned,

He feared what the people would do

If such to this prophet should happen.


It happened on his birthday

While watching his niece dance

He was so enthralled by her

That he took a reckless chance.


He impetuously offered her

Anything for which she wished,

She requested that he give to her

The prophet’s head on a dish.


This was her mother’s wish,

She wanted the prophet dead

And though the king showed sorrow

He called for the prophet’s head.


Remembering John The Baptist | Baptism Of Jesus - YouTube


The prophet’s head was removed

And paraded on a platter,

You could well imagine at that time

The astonishment and the chatter.


It was this very same king

Before whom the Lord had stood

That mocked him and arrayed him

In royal kingly duds.


He had hoped to see a miracle

Because of the things he had heard

And he questioned him repeatedly

But the Lord answered not a word.


This king attacked the fledgling church

At its very early stage,

He was bent on wiping it out

In his anger and his rage.


He sought to kill the apostles

And succeeded in the case of one,

Another whom he had imprisoned

Escaped before the light of dawn.


So perplexed was he at this

That he left for another territory,

The embarrassment was so much

That it bruised his dignity.


Who was Herod the Great?: Episode 11 - YouTube


One day while arrayed in royal apparel

He sat upon his throne

The people regaled him with praise

That should have been God’s alone.


They, speaking of this king

Said his was the voice of a god,

He made no attempt to stop them

But basked in the glory like a fraud.


Immediately he was struck

By the angel of the Lord,

According to the Word he was punished

For not giving the glory to God.


He was eaten of worms

Of such there was nothing to boast

And eventually according to the Word

He had given up the ghost.


The word to us all is to remember

We’re not a law unto ourselves,

God is the only sovereignty

Not an amulet on our shelves.


This life is not ours forever

Whether king or pauper we may be,

The lesson of these two should teach us

To live life accordingly.


Stewart Russell © April 2018


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