Thursday, August 11, 2022

The Pew the Platform the Pulpit


Phillips Smith Conwell — Meetinghouse for the Church of Jesus Christ of  Latter-day Saints – Coomera


These three “Ps” it seems to me

Identify the levels in a church

And you don’t have to take my word

Seeing I am not an expert.


I was associated with two churches

Even before I was born

And during the course of my journey

I saw this as the norm.


Three levels of importance:

The pew, the platform, the pulpit,

The highest level is the last one

And this has become the habit.


Few members will reach the platform

And fewer still the pulpit

And some others who tried and failed

Will eventually find the exit.


It reminds me of the Jewish temple

Back in 1st Century Judaism:

The outer courts and the inner

And then the sanctum sanctorum.


One had to be very special

To dare enter behind that partition

And even though Christ removed it

The pulpit holds that position.


Phillips Smith Conwell — Meetinghouse for the Church of Jesus Christ of  Latter-day Saints – Coomera


One manner of dress for the pew

Another for the platform and pulpit

And while some have reneged on this

Some others have refused to quit.


The sponges sit in the pews

Since they mostly come to receive,

The other levels come with a word

Which the sponges usually believe.


Some pastors own the pulpit

And by extension the platform too

And they in their wisdom determine

Who gets beyond the pew.


You will find in any given church

The pulpit, the platform, the pew

And these three distinct levels determine

The extent to what one will do.


Prophesying is for the pulpit

Whether foretelling or forth telling

And nowadays there is much of the former

And quite a lot of yelling.


Ropheka praise and... - Ropheka praise and worship band


The worship team takes the platform

With the leader behind the pulpit

And right after they have led in worship

In a pew they will each sit.


Their importance is short lived

As they pave the way for the preacher

Who might be a pastor, prophet or apostle

Or a visiting or approved lay minister.


Three “Ps” you will find in any church:

Whether mega, big or even small,

The pew mostly makes up the listenership

But the pulpit determines the call.


If you want to be a valued church member

Reach for the platform or pulpit,

In the pew you are just an ordinary member

And may not be missed if you exit.


This may not sound very encouraging

But it is the approach many churches take,

Bear this in mind potential church goer

When you walk through a church’s gate.


Stewart Russell © May 23, 2022


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