Tuesday, March 20, 2018

True That

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To say that a lie is not the truth
Is to state an obvious fact,
A lie is a lie and truth is truth.
Why everyone should see that.

But such is not the case
And I must confess that I’m amazed
And even sometimes dazed
When I consider the current craze.

There are some who dare to argue
That truth is a relative lot
Whereupon in my confessed stupor
I enquire relative or family to what?

There was a time not long ago
When baffled by the truth
We went all out to prove it so
By citing an abundance of proof.

Today of course it’s the other way
We now even have alternative facts
And the mere fact I cannot see that
There must be something I lack.

Nowadays we go all out
To prove a lie is anything but a lie
Exchanging truth for something else
And then that truth defy.

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There is an apparent evolution
When a lie evolves into a truth,
They call it convincing advertising
You see this at many a booth.

If a lie is propagated as the truth
Particularly by persons of integrity
The masses will accept it as truth
And perpetuate its longevity.

Personal agendas that are hidden
Depend on alternative facts
Where a lie replaces the truth
And security becomes the trap.

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I invite you to answer the question,
To what is the truth relative?
If the answer is the family of lies
Then life is a deceptive narrative.

In truth the two are worlds apart
Like darkness and the light
And while the former covers up the lie
The latter vindicates the right.

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The minutest contaminant in truth
Would render that truth a lie,
Hence no relativity between the two
No matter what the objectors imply.

Stewart Russell © 2017

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