Saturday, December 03, 2016

Just Yesterday

Image result for images for Matthew 24:22

This year has flown with rapid pace
It was as though the world were in a race
December is now staring us right in the face,
To what ending are we in such haste?

It was just yesterday this year began
Like a bullet from a gun the days just ran,
Days to weeks, weeks to months, this year
Draws to an end as Christmas appears.

Could this be the shortening of the days
As in the Gospel of Matthew and Mark?
Or is it because there is so much to do
And time passes before we are through?

I don’t know for sure but I must confess
That life is so fast pace it gives us stress,
Twenty-four seven seems too short at best
And some appear to have so little rest.

It was just yesterday we review the Old
And there in church we celebrated the New,
And here again the year is at an end
Such a short time and another complete bend.

And so yet again the ritual beckons
Independence, Christmas, Old and New
Another year will pass in the quickest of time
A record to be broken by the year in preview.

Image result for images for yesterday, today, tomorrow

Just yesterday, today and tomorrow
Rolled together in the time we have borrowed
So much to do and so little time
As the time shortens the steeper the climb.

Let me leave this word with you before I go
A reminder from the Bible we all should know,
I alluded to it just moments ago
Right in the Gospels where the word says so.

Matthew Twenty-four, Twenty-two to be exact
If God’s word says it then it’s a fact,
Or you may resort to Mark thirteen-twenty
In the company of two that’s witnesses aplenty.
Both of these passages allude to this fact
The days will be shortened for the elect’s sake
And except it were so no flesh would survive
Just picture an oven in which you bake your cake.

Image result for images for luke 21:28

Some opined this came to pass in AD seventy
Others say it’s a long way off we need not worry,
Like I said I do not know for sure so I am prepared
Which ever it is my redemption draws near.

Image result for images for put God in the equation

Just yesterday ought to be a stark reminder
That the passage of time is nearing completion,
It is time that we factor God into our equation
This mathematics should occupy our attention.

Just yesterday quickly becomes just yesteryear
And before you know it tomorrow’s year appears
Who knows whether another day we will see?
Time to get right with God; His salvation is free.

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For Jesus came to seek and to save the lost
To save the elect was an infinite cost
Calvary was earmarked even before time began
That Christ should die for all the damned.

Just yesterday two thousand yeas ago
He hung from Golgotha’s cross for you and me,
Accept Jesus today as your Saviour and Lord
And he will be yours eternally.

Stewart Russell © 2016

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