Saturday, February 27, 2021

All Earth’s Joys


Joy and Sorrow go hand in hand - BIT Blog 

What is the greatest joy

You have experienced on earth?

Whatever that was

Must have brought great mirth.


Laughter and excitement

What lasting treasures!

And the unforgettable memories

That brought us pleasure.


But all of earth’s joys

Eventually come to an end

And that for all of us

Could be around the next bend.


Like our life, they are short lived

As is the withering grass

And regardless of status or position

We are all in this class.

Joy and Sorrow go hand in hand - BIT Blog 

All of earth’s joys

Are lined with sorrow

And for every event we enjoy

There is a pending horror.


So, what is your greatest joy?

Can you tell it to me?

For whatever it is I can tell you this

Its sorrow lining you will see.


Is it a happy marriage?

It will be marred by death,

Did you win the lottery?

Well, you will leave that wealth.


Of course, we do understand

It could be the other way around,

The joys set us up

But the sorrow brings us down.

I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death | Rivera Family Funerals &  Cremations  

Death is the lining of sorrow

That shadows life

In the same way that earthly peace

Is shattered by strife.


So whatever earthly joy we seek

After that joy comes the bleak,

Just like the summer and the winter

These changes come even as we speak.


It is not so in heaven, though

Whenever that time shall be,

Then will be an eternity of exceeding joy

When our Saviour, Jesus we see.


Stewart Russell © January 31, 2021


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