Saturday, December 23, 2017

Let’s Reflect

Image result for cartoon images of thinking 
Let’s reflect for a moment or two,
Let’s reflect just me and just you,
No other invitees as we contemplate
The seriousness of the season we celebrate.

I mean Christmas, as you very well know
A time of much fussing and a time of show
But missing its meaning most of the time
Evidenced by the things to which we incline.

Spring-cleaning even though it’s winter
Rushing around like a hundred metre sprinter
Traffic piling up for mile after mile
Commuters fretting and fuming all of the while.

A dash to the supermarket, a run to the store,
Shopping list exhausted but must pick up more,
Money short but must make it stretch,
This NRSL imposition is really a wretch.

Image result for images of tangles Christmas lights

The house to arrange and the lights to put up,
Everything to be set out, every plate, every cup,
The ham to bake, the turkey and pork too,
Jug-jug, black cake and pudding to name a few.

Ironing to be done for early morning church
Consisting of dresses and scarves, pants and shirts,
All this to be done in a short matter of time,
Such is the focus to which we are inclined.

Christmas eve day, what a rush, what a pace!
What a frantic almost panic-stricken chase!
Will I make it to church with all this to do?
I don’t think I will, and maybe, neither will you.

We promise this will not happen year after year
But we still get trapped as though unaware
And it appears to me it’s getting increasingly worse,
It’s like we are afflicted with some prescribed curse.

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So the time to reflect is this moment right now,
Take a short break if you can manage that somehow,
Step back from this scene of which you are a part
And let God show you the condition of your heart.

Let this Christmas be the start of something new
A new perspective, a new focus and a new you
And as you reflect I will also reflect too
And let the star of Bethlehem come into view.

I pray the trimmings of Christmas will pale in view
And this one would be different from any that you knew,
That the priorities you now have will be rearranged
To a Christ-centred focus as your life is changed.

There’ll be spring cleaning, yes, but of the heart,
Deep in the inner man is just where it would start
And Christmas would mean so much more to you,
You’d be grateful a little reflection changed your view.

Stewart Russell © December 2017

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