Saturday, September 14, 2024

Life’s Deck of Cards


Life is like a deck of cards... you have to deal with it - News | Khaleej  Times


From life’s deck of cards

A hand is given to all

And depending on our skillsets

We either stand or fall.


Life is called a gamble,

They say it is taking risks,

No wonder that the lottery

Tops many people’s list.


It is the best they perceive

Of gaining added cards

Unlike the ones they were given

That make life so hard.


We do not get to choose

The original cards we’re given

And some fall on such hard luck

They are initially stricken.


Why Aren't The King And The Queen Equal In A Deck Of Cards?

Some are Kings or Queens

Potentially from birth

While others appear destined

To be the husks of earth.


Some hold an Ace or two

While others have none

And this game that we call life

For the latter is no fun.


Some may hold a Jack

What a terrible curse!

Others may be holding two;

This is even worse.

Learn 7 Card Stud - Seven Card Stud Hi-Lo - Replay Poker  

Of course, we have Clubs

And we also have Spades

And if Diamonds are forever

A great life is made.


Last but not least

We have beating Hearts

And once they keep on beating

We can soar like a lark.


Seven Card Stud Hi/Lo: everything you need to know


Seven cards are given

And these without choice,

The others you can accumulate

If you listen to the voice.


The voice of conscience

That is your inner-self,

That moral compass for living

Now rusting on the shelf.


That tells you who is King

And who is Jack, the knave

And who makes you to be a prince

Rather than be a slave.


Whatever your hand today

Let the King manage it,

He is the only true Ace you have

And He has the best script.


And not only for this life

But also, for eternity,

Without the faking and bluffing

And the con-artistry.


FAITH, FEAR, OR PHOBIA – His Precious Gift


Take your hand of cards

And hand it over to Jesus;

The one who created Adam

From a handful of dust.


Make him your Ace today

With him you need no other,

Jesus will be your winning hand

And life will be no bother.


Whatever cards you’ve got

He can create a miracle,

He has done the same, I know,

For millions of people.


Stewart Russell © June 16, 2024


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