Monday, September 02, 2024

I Need an Answer


 12 idées de Questionnement | fond d'écran téléphone, thème powerpoint  gratuit, bonjour de france


Who is this God

To whom we pray

And why does it often seem

Like he’s so far away?


Is he hard of hearing

That we often shout

Or is our problem too big

For him to work out?


Why do we nag him

With the same request

And then convince another

He does what is best?


Why do we pretend

That he answers prayer

When the same problem we had

Is still a bugbear?


Why do we tell another

He will come through

Once we just keep on praying

And trust as we do?


Le questionnement - questions ouvertes, fermées, d'approfondissement et  inductives - capitalrh


What is his success rate

In response to requests

Or does he delay his answer

As a kind of test?


Who gets a miracle

And how do we qualify

Since some are successful

And others are denied?


Is it not good

For we which we pray

So, why does God seem to say

It can’t happen today?


Le questionnement - questions ouvertes, fermées, d'approfondissement et  inductives - capitalrh


Is he working it out

And thus, it will take time

Since all the world’s problems

Must be on his mind?


Is there a queue

Like on the telephone

Where one is assigned a number

And awaits his turn?


Can you answer me

Why we nag God so

And why we often speak to him

Like he doesn’t know?


Le questionnement - questions ouvertes, fermées, d'approfondissement et  inductives - capitalrh


Does he need convincing

Before he would act

Or are the lines so jammed

We have to call back?


What is the difference

Re Baal’s prophets and God’s

If like them all we can do

Is call?


Does he answer you

And can you convince me

Or is your prayer just a ritual

That you do daily?


Stewart Russell © March 7, 2024


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