Thursday, September 27, 2018

Grace Trumps Obedience

There was a man named Noah
He was mandated to build an ark
He assiduously committed to the task
Right from the very start.

It was not easy one would imagine
For this boat was very huge
But he laboured on it night and day
Due to the coming deluge.

God’s word he did not doubt
That it would rain for forty days
And so while building he also preached
To the people to change their ways.

But the people laughed him to scorn
And they continued as before
But Noah would not be deterred
And continued to preached the more.

Year after year had passed
And there was not even a trace of rain
But Noah kept on building the ark
And from his preaching did not refrain.

One could just imagine
When the first twenty years had passed
How those people must have felt
About Noah’s seagoing craft.

For there was no sea around
And not even a semblance of rain
And here was this crazy man
Building an ark in vain.

“I wonder how he would move it,”
Somebody must have thought
But none of their silly observations
Caused Noah to be distraught.

So on and on he worked
Till one hundred years had passed
And still the abuse kept on coming
But Noah stuck to the task.
There are some who will opine
It was Noah’s obedience that saved him
But I pause to state emphatically
That view is rather dim.

God’s word points out one and all
That before Noah had laid a plank
He had found grace in God’s own sight
It is God’s grace we have to thank.

There’s nothing that we can do
To merit the favour of God
For grace is God’s unmerited favour
And this must be spread abroad.

Noah had preached to the people around
That God would send a flood
But for one hundred and twenty years
The people against him stood.

Not one of them had repented
And had taken advantage of God’s grace
And so the flood came as appointed
And they vanished without trace.

But Noah and his immediate family
Were safe in the belly of the ark,
‘It’s time we heed the glorious message
The angelic host still bids us, “Hark!”

God’s grace is extended to one and all
As he bids us all to come in,
Would you today believe His word?
Would you be saved from your sin?

Stewart Russell © January 2018

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