Saturday, November 04, 2017

Another View

Image result for images for 1Corinthians 15:22

Here are some thoughts I gathered
From a presentation by Dr. Myles Munroe,
They were his considered views on death
And may differ from what you hold.

You would notice I used were
For he no longer walks among us
Having passed from this earthly scene
He will one day meet with Jesus.

He posits that death had a birth
And that death one day was killed
And if our fore parents had not sinned
All like now death would be dead still.

In the Garden of Eden, he says,
Death was present there
It was inactive, powerless and useless
So Adam had nothing to fear.

God when he had created man
Had given him earthly control,
He was given dominion over everything
And in this he could be bold.

Death though present in the garden
Had no control over Adam
As long as they obeyed God’s directive
Death could never touch man.

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While God had created death
In death there was no life,
However, Eve opened the Pandora’s box
That led to all the strife.

God had before commanded
That they eat not of a certain tree
But the serpent beguiled the woman
And that caused their misery.

Remember death preexisted Adam
But death really had no power,
It was only in the event of disobedience
That death became a horror.
Dr. Myles Munroe went on to posit
That death is in everything,
Nothing in life escapes its presence
For to everything living it clings.

He notes that death is life in reverse
And one cannot have life without death
Yet man had the power over it
But disobedience that power from him wrest.

Death had no power over obedient man,
Obedience to God’s word kept death in check
But man’s disobedience gave rise to sin
And now the death of man became its debt.

The soul that sins it shall die
For God always keeps His word,
“The day that you eat you will surely die,”
Both Adam and Eve had heard

Disobedience, the Bible defines
As rebellion to God’s known will,
Rebellion to God is the ultimate sin
And sin activates death’s power to kill.

Sin is the source of the power of death
According to Romans 5:12 and 13,
Sin entered the world by way of one man
And takes all men from off life’s scene.

Every word God speaks becomes law
And God never violates His word
For God and His word will always agree
Even when to us it seems absurd.

God Himself keeps watch over His word
And He is always faithful to perform it
He had to make sure death fulfill its purpose
And for man death became a habit.

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So man activated the power of death
After death had been given its birth
And death reined and triumphed over man
And became the scourge of all the earth.

But all was not lost when death came to life
For death would one day lose its sting,
God Himself would suffer and die
And free and full salvation bring.

God fulfilled His word through Himself
And thus satisfied His own demands,
God became our substitutionary penalty
And in His way executed salvation’s plan.

This reminder comes from John 11:50
Which I choose to insert at this time,
Caiaphas was afraid of a full Roman takeover
If to belief on Jesus the Jews did incline.

Now Caiaphas was he that gave counsel to the Jews
This is stated in John chapter 18 and verse14
“One man must die for the people,” he said
So Jesus must be removed from the scene.

Caiaphas had stated that one had to die
As a result of the politics he knew
And the choice of Jesus was in this regard
For he was not aware of the Father’s view.

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That Jesus had to die should be obvious by now
For through one man death came to life,
So too, by one man, death was put to death
And now for the believer death holds no strife.

Stewart Russell © May, 2017

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