Friday, September 16, 2016

A Mystery Yet Real

Image result for images for cyber space

I had a real challenge
And there was none who could help,
If ever you have experienced it
Then you would know how I felt.

I stood one day and stared at the sky
And soon many had gathered around,
I stared in the air and they stared at me
Can you tell me who was the biggest clown?

Soon they were staring upwards too
And the crowd became quite large,
Not one of them knew why I was there
And no one was willing to take charge.

I pondered long as I stared in the air
And I am sure they pondered too
About what it was on this sunlit day
That was so steadily holding my view.

The first of them stared at me
You can’t imagine how that crowd grew,
Now every last one was staring in the air
At what not one of them knew.

I definitely knew what I was looking for
But none of them dared me to tell
For had any of them opened his mouth
The laughter would have made him swell.

I once thought that humans had sense
But this showed to me otherwise
For here I was just looking up
And hundreds stopped to gaze at the skies.

Image result for images of a single cloud in the sky

There was nothing there I can assure
Other than blue and a single white cloud
But could you have had an aerial view
You would have marveled at this crowd.

I have been around for several decades
And never had I seen anything as such,
Examine their heads for residual brains
And I am sure you wouldn’t find much.

Image result for images of a crowd standing and looking at the sky

Just imagine a crowd standing as one
And all of them staring up in the air
With hands lifted to shade their eyes
As though they didn’t have a care.

Because had they something to do
They really would not stand look this
Just simply staring up into space
Wondering what it is they missed.

How long we were there I cannot tell
Probably about an hour or two
From the first that came to join with me
And not one of them had a clue.

Could this have happened in any land
Other than Barbados bright and fair
Where one man stood just looking up
And many simply joined him there?

I am not mad believe you me
But that crowd showed gross insanity
As they stood not for a minute or two
Just gazing up indiscriminately.

How many were late for assignments
On reflection I just had to wonder
As they stood with resolute will
To gaze at the sky and ponder.

I shall never forget that day
The day I led from the front
When I stood there staring at the sky
The day I pulled that stunt.

Perhaps you wish you were there
And you wonder what I was staring at,
I will tell you in a minute
To me it’s a most astonishing fact.

I had a real challenge
And there was none who could help,
If ever you have experienced it
Then you would know how I felt.

Image result for images looking up in the sky

I got to thinking about God
And so I stared up at the sky
For so many doubt His existence
And on Him would not rely.

Some said they have never seen Him
When they probe in outer space
And they cannot believe in one
When they have never seen His face.

Image result for images for cyber space 

So on that day so many joined me
As I stared up in the air,
I was looking for cyberspace
And guess what!  I did not find it there.

But we all know that it exists
For right there we save our work,
In faith we save our precious documents
And none considers us a jerk.

In life we trust so many things
That we can neither hear nor see
But to trust in the God who created all
Some consider that lunacy.

Cyberspace must be somewhere
Exactly where it is none of us can tell
But we are sure that it exists
And we can prove that very well.

Well I know that God exists
And that I can show even as well,
I am a product of His saving grace
Saved and rescued from hell

For if cyberspace can save a document
And I can trust it to do such
What about God who created me
Why can’t I trust Him to do as much?

For it is God who created cyberspace
And it is God who created man
So if could put my document in cyberspace
I can place my life in God’s hand.

For certainly the God who created all
Is greater than anything He has created
And His saving of a single soul
Is far greater than anything we have debated.

Stewart Russell © 2016

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