Wednesday, August 31, 2016

A One-line Comprehension Passage

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Read the passage carefully and then answer the following questions.

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Suddenly feeling the line go taut, Adrian excitedly hauled it in.

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1.            What is the name of the boy in the story?

2.            To what does the “it” in the passage refer?

3.            What word in the passage may mean the same as tight?

4.            What was the boy holding in his hand?

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5.            What do you think he was doing?

6.            Choose an appropriate adjective to place before the word “line”.

7.            What do you think caused the boy to be excited?

8.            What word in the passage may mean the same as pulled?

9.            What words tell us that the boy had probably done this activity before?

10.        Why do you think the line suddenly became taut?

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11.        Besides the line what else do you think the boy might have used in this activity?

12.        What do you think the boy expected to find when he hauled in the line?

13.        Write a single sentence to suitably begin the story.

14.        Write a single sentence to appropriately end this story.

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15.        Where do you think this activity might have taken place?

16.        Suggest a suitable topic for this passage.

In the spaces following list the four adverbs in the passage.

17.        (………………………………....)

18.        (…………………………………)

19.        (…………………………………)

20.        (…………………………………)

Stewart Russell © 2016

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