Wednesday, March 01, 2017

What Madness Is This?

Image result for images for guns and knives

What madness is this? Pray tell!
I mean this mystery on our roads,
Two months in the year only just complete
And several families are carrying death’s load.

Lost of loved ones on our streets
Including the young and most promising:
Four at one swoop on our highway
Leaving loved ones in grief and languishing.

Just imagine the pain and the dread
As the news crystalizes in one’s head
Having been awakened from one’s comfortable bed
Only to be told that a loved one is dead.

Or imagine the hurt and the pain
When reading the news on the front page
Of the daily tabloid the next morning
As it captures the sorrow and rage.

Consider the alarming statistic
Regarding the number of deaths on our streets:
More in two months than all of last year
Is nothing more alarming than an undesirable feat.

And as though that were not enough
Think of the lives lost to knife and bullet
Plaguing this little island with such regularity
That it now must be considered as a habit.

Image result for images for guns and knives

Yes gun and knife targeting our youth,
Life being snuffed out as though of no value;
Lying in the street in a pool of blood,
Why, oh why?  I wish I knew.

Or maybe I truly know the reason why
But such an answer would not suffice
Given the change in our country
That is now gripped in the throes of vice.

Some may say it was always like this-
Always occurrences of unnatural deaths;
To that I would say yes, but not nearly as many,
Having now reached the level of public unrest.
And then there is that disturbing incident-
A woman on her way to clean the church
Mauled by ferocious dogs not far from her home
Rendering all rescue attempts somewhat inert.

Scarcely a weekend passes without an event
That interrupts the tranquility of our community,
Very often the death of a young and vibrant youth
Taken via some heart wrenching tragedy.

What madness is this, pray tell,
That has engulfed this once idyllic land of ours?
How can we halt it?  Is there not a way?
How can we put an end to these horrors?

Image result for images for guns and knives

Yes gun and knife targeting our youth
Life being snuffed out as though of no value;
Lying in the street in a pool of blood
Why oh why?  I wish I knew.

Image result for images for Acts 17:30

In four simple words the advice is given
“Repent and be converted” is the counsel,
Let us turn to God who is the Creator of all
Let us return and no longer rebel

Therein lies the answer to the previous verse
However, this is not readily taken to heart
For the more the Lord God reaches out to us
The more we are inclined from Him to depart.

It is certainly not the scholarly thing to do,
It is neither the grandiose nor the bold,
Either we are too academic to believe such stuff
Or we are too great and mighty to fold.

We prefer to fold under our own rebellious weight
Than to capitulate and bow to Almighty God;
Meanwhile our youth yield in compliance to evil
Totally deceived by Satan the fraud.

Yes I am hearing you loud and clear
There is no mistaking the trend of your thought,
That Jesus thing is for societal cop-outs
There is nothing therein with which I can be bought.

That is a sad commentary regarding the offer
That God has made to you and me,
However, I draw to your attention the plight again
As I present this final plea.

Image result for images for guns and knives

Yes gun and knife targeting our youth
Life being snuffed out as though of no value;
Lying in the street in a pool of blood
Why oh why?  I wish I knew.

Selfishness and avarice: these two components
Are responsible for our country’s dire state,
Sin summarizes all that these two entail
And develops them at a rapid rate.

Soon there is little that one would not do
To satisfy one’s compelling and innate urge;
At the drop of a hat that one will take a life
And usher in yet another funeral dirge.

Image result for images for Acts 17:30

There go I but for the grace of God
Only His grace betwixt me and my sin,
So turn, I repeat, turn to the Creator of all,
Renounce your rebellion and turn to Him.

Stewart Russell © 2017

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