Thursday, February 25, 2016

The Walls We Build

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We spend much time building walls of hate and greed,
In no time relationships are severed with lightning speed!
These are the walls we build not low, but high;
Nothing good about our neighbor must ever catch the eye.

Construction is swift on walls of jealousy and envy,
Look at me as I build and tell me what you see.
I see a wall tall, great and strong, I cannot breach,
I see a soul in need, next to me, but yet out of reach.

Then there are the walls of un-forgiveness, what a sight!
Casting great shadows around thus blocking the light.
But we, refusing to yield even the slightest bit
Will carry this fight to our neighbor showing true grit.

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I see a great wall only concerned with mine and me,
My sanctum sanctorum, there I alone can be free.
It blocks my view from anyone without,
I am simply concerned with just me without a doubt.

You complain and fret while bombarded with fear,
I am secure behind my wall why should I care?
Your problem’s your own, it’s none of my concern,
I couldn’t care whether you sink, crash or burn.

Why should I bother about what concerns me not?
Why should I care whether someone lives or rot?
Why should I take precious time and ponder your mess,
When my walls are secure and I am at rest?

If only you could be in my position what would you do?
About the plight of your neighbour tell me your view.
I am sure you would do just as I am doing now,
Beyond your wall you wouldn’t see anyone anyhow.

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Are you aware of how I come by what I now possess?
Do you know of the sacrifice and many hours of stress?
I tell you, man, I struggled and fought to attain this crest
That bears testimony that I was intent on doing my best.

And now you want me to share as though it were a free for all
While you criticize me making your pious judgment call.
I am unmoved by your chat and your silly little game,
I shall endeavour to build my walls of security just the same.
There was only one Jesus and I know you know I am not he
Take up the Bible and read, it won’t take you long to see.
I do not intend to match his life for that’s sheer futility
And anyone who believes he can is displaying sheer stupidity.

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Oh, the walls of excuses have been built so very tall,
That there’s almost no way to breach them at all, at all!
Remember, the walls we construct to shut out our neighbour
Are the walls that block the way that leads to the Saviour.

So let’s examine the walls we have tirelessly built to last,
The walls we construct to protect our endeavours of the past.
They will come to naught for only in Christ they can stand,
Nothing is forever, except that which is held by His hand.

Stewart Russell © 2011

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