Monday, February 22, 2016

Secured in Christ

Image result for images for Colossians 1:27

What’s in these four prepositions?
In and for and with and through,
How can they express my spiritual condition?
How can such words influence my view?

Christ in me the hope of glory,
Christ in me oh what a wondrous story
Of a Father’s love and a Son’s sacrifice,
Of an empty tomb and my risen Christ!

Christ for me; he took my place,
Christ for me bore my disgrace,
Christ for me nailed to Calvary’s cross,
Christ for me restored all that was lost.

Christ with me my confidence assures,
Christ with me, I’m not alone any more,
Christ with me, he has promised to stay
All along life’s journey each and every day.

Christ through me, his light ever shines,
Christ through me invites you, “come and dine.”
Christ through me his love made manifest
Such that Satan has lost this soul he once possessed.

I’m in Christ for he is the vine,
I’m in Christ and I’m nurtured all the time,
I’m in Christ, his strength replaces mine,
I need not fear for on him I know I can recline.

Now I live for Christ, my Saviour and my Lord,
I live for Christ and I stand on his Word,
I live for Christ; I’m a testimony of his love
When at that first advent he came from above.

Image result for images for Colossians 1:27

I’m with Christ for he walks with me each day,
I’m with Christ and he hears me when I pray,
I’m with Christ; I would it have no other way
For with Christ I know I will never stray.

Through Christ my crown is guaranteed,
Through Christ I’ll follow and I’ll let him lead,
Through Christ none can pluck me from his hand,
Through Christ my faith and trust will ever stand.
In Christ, for Christ, with Christ and through
Him every day is what shapes my view;
In me, for me, with me and through
I am that creation that Christ has made anew.

Stewart Russell © 2016

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