Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Hell Bent: Whose Decision?

Image result for images of hell is a choice

Here are some questions that are puzzling to me:
Why would God send a person to hell eternally?
Why not stop that person from being born?
Why send him to hell as the punitive norm?

What evil could a man do in just a few short years?
How could he merit an eternal hell and utter despair?
How could such a God be gracious or even merciful?
Could He really be a loving God and yet be so terrible?

Well look at what he did to His Son on the cross
To save you and me from being eternally lost,
I guess you would argue that that does not add up
But Jesus really drank from death’s bitter cup.

And consider this; God has given man the choice
To choose heaven or hell as his eternal abode
It is man who chooses on his own to go to hell
Heaven could be his home if he chooses that road.

Note the progression of a man that rejects Christ
He scoffs at the Creator and the Son’s sacrifice
And professing to be wise in his very own eyes
Worships the created while the Creator he denies.

Open your Bible to Romans the very first chapter
And see how man is hell bent in his behavior,
See how he progresses on his downward spiral
Openly and blatantly disregarding God in his denial.

Don’t blame God when it is the man that refused,
Man had two clear options from which to choose,
Opting for the created while the Creator he abused
Man left himself without any worthwhile excuse.

Not only do men participate in these idolatrous sins
But they also approve of any other who does them,
While God-given consciences convict them of wrong
They pursue the broad way with the hell bent throng.

Jesus came in the flesh so that we all might believe,
Believe on the Son of God and God’s offer receive
So that in believing we may have life in his name,
Disregard this and we have only ourselves to blame.
Because Christ came to pay the price of our sin
God willingly accepts all them that come through him,
God allows people to be born to give them opportunity
To choose Jesus Christ and make heaven their destiny.

This may still be a difficult concept to grasp,
For some it may present a herculean task
But the real issue, do not allow anyone to mask
For it is a simple requirement that the Master asks.

Let’s cling to what we know about God’s nature,
Believe that His sovereignty and mercy work together,
Whatever He does or allows is for His own glory
And His love in Christ is towards you and me.

Almighty God is the Rock and his work is perfect,
All that he does is precise and accurate,
He’s the God of truth and without iniquity
A just, loving, merciful and gracious God is He.

Hell needs not be your destiny; heaven can be your home,
The choice of either of these is yours and yours alone,
Not a thread of truth that God will cause one to go to hell,
It’s the choice we make and to whom our soul we sell.

For there are two that are bidding for our soul,
To steal, kill and destroy is the devil’s only goal
But Jesus is come that we might have abundant life
And so avoid the second death and eternal strife.

Image result for images of hell is a choice
Would God send you to hell?  Yes with your consent
For to reject the Son of God is to declare your intent,
No way you can escape if you neglect God’s salvation
For to do so is a one way ticket to your own perdition.

God spared not His Son but gave him up for us,
The sin debt we owed was paid in full by Jesus
As he hung there from that cross at dark Calvary
Hell was obliterated for all who would be free.

I will praise my Redeemer for hell is not a worry for me,
Having been washed in his blood I am eternally free,
His free choice to give up his life for all my sin
Is reason enough why I surrender my all to him.

Stewart Russell © 2015

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