Friday, June 23, 2017

When Did Wrong Become Right?

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In the equation seven plus three equals eleven
Eleven appears somewhat strong,
If you said eleven is wrong then you are right,
Seven plus three equals eleven is wrong.

Somewhere in that verse are right and wrong,
Actually there are two wrongs and a right,
“Two wrongs don’t make a right,” someone once said
But these days the wrong definitely takes the limelight.

There was a time when this issue was clear
Certainly far clearer than it is today
But with the advent of the intellectual
Alternative facts are now holding sway.

The recipe for confusion is now in our hands
Particularly if you went to university
And what is worse at this particular time
Are the many scholars with a (Ph.D.).

There was a time when a Ph.D. was scarce
But today there’re like the summer rain
And the more academic our scholars become
The more they are inclined to be insane.

Our legislators are learned men
Mostly elected by the majority vote
Such that “The majority rules is a fallacy”
A clearer look would suggest that is a misquote.

The majority rules in the election
For therein is the stamp of a democracy
But thereafter democracy goes into hibernation
And policy is determined by a minority.
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And not all of the elected have the same weight
For some are more equal than some,
It all depends on which side they sit
Whether the losing side or the side that won.

Just a few determine what’s right and wrong,
They determine the laws of the land
And depending on what side they woke up on
It could go right or wrong on the other hand.
Right’s bookmark is oft repudiated
And a strong stance is taken for the wrong,
The Bible is deemed archaic and outmoded
And replaced by the wrong and strong.

When did wrong become right?
The matter of the fact is that it never did
But the academics of our time and age
Have from our view the Bible hid.

“It’s a book of myths and legends,” they opine
Full of fairy tales and amusing fables,
Read it as you would any another book
But do not be misled by its so-called miracles.

When did wrong become right?
From the day that Adam and Eve had sinned,
That was the origin the Bible explains,
The question “Hath God said?” is the place to begin.

Back then the right was as clear as clear can be
But wrong intruded and blurred the lines
Then wrong appeared right and Eve was confused
And so to the wrong she was inclined.

From that moment wrong had an advantage
Exacerbated by the nature of man
Who was inclined to formulate his own idea of right
Even if it conflicted with God’s sovereign plan.

From then till now it has really mushroomed
Leaving us bewildered in its wake
Faced with the question we have in this poem
When so much in this life is at stake.

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The ayes have it; that’s the way it pans out
A lot of talk of not much content,
The question is posed and the vote is called
And wrong becomes right as the original intent.

Two men: the right to form a family
With the right to raise someone’s child
Two women: the right to a marital union
With all of its conjugal ramifications applied.

“When did wrong become right?” I ask again,
When did we become so deluded?
At sensitivity’s death and at conscience demise
When all that used to be right was openly disputed.

When we got to know better or so we thought,
When accumulated knowledge got to our head,
When winning a seat made us brighter than most
And we exchanged our humanity for divinity instead.

When university became an end in itself
And its graduates strutted around as having reached,
That moment when a little knowledge makes one mad
And basic commonsense was totally breached.
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When children took over and parents stepped back,
When anarchy presided in the home,
When teachers appeared powerless to stem the tide
And schools became a veritable war zone.

When the church flirted with a confused world
Convinced that the grass was greener that side
And its leaders like politicians suddenly arrived
Raking in millions while some members merely survive.

“When did wrong become right?” I reiterate,
When sympathy and empathy gave way to greed,
When a people that once regarded God
Become like in Noah’s day a despicable breed.

Is there a chance of there being any hope?
Not if we continue on this precipitous slope,
For wrong seen as right is worse than dope
And once blind leads blind all will continue to grope.

Return to God’s instruction and evil eschew
Stop following the multitude who after wrong pursue
God’s instruction manual is available to you
Let it fix your eyes and correct your view

Then the eyes would have it; the correct view that is
Of wrong and right from God’s own view,
In this world of the blind your vision will be clear
And you’ll walk in the light of what you once knew.

“When did wrong become right?” the sixth time I ask
Though the question implies a misnomer,
The only wrong that was right is in your mind
It’s time to stop and let God take over.

Stewart Russell © 2017

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