Tuesday, November 29, 2016

A Word Worth Considering

Image result for images for Leviticus 25:10

I like a word I heard recently
Let us celebrate our Independence
It took into scope our first fifty years
And reflected on its significance.

This word avoided political divide
And shunned all political partisanship
And pushed the idea of one Barbados
And called for all to take a grip.

Take a grip of the fact
That we have traversed fifty years
From nineteen sixty-six to the present
And bear in mind that we are still around
With a chance to renew our intent.

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Take a grip of the fact
That God is ultimately responsible
For all that has been achieved
And that should we reach another fifty
It will be through Him the good we receive.

Take a grip of the fact
That many have contributed
To our development and our progress
And these proceed from all walks of life
Not just those with academic success.

Take a grip of the fact
That the church has been in the forefront
Regarding the maintenance of those mores
Which have pointed us to a God of love
And have developed us in so many ways.

Take a grip of the fact
That education has been a hallmark
In improving the lot of our life
And our living standards are so much better
Since the times of much social strife.

Image result for images for the people of barbados

Take a grip of the fact
That our country Barbados is made up
Of a diverse and talented group of citizens
And successfully navigating the way forward
Will call for more than two and a half dozen.

Take a grip of the fact
That as we reflect upon the past fifty
Calling to mind both failure and success
As a people there would be renewal
And the country as a whole would progress.

Renewal that points a better way of life
Returning to the values we once held dear
Of courtesy, respect and politeness
And to all persons showing that we care.

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Renewal that speaks to a better life
For all oncoming generations
Recognizing our God ordained responsibility
To point them in the right direction.

Renewal that motivates commitment
To Almighty God who has led us thus far
And a resolute determination that never wavers
Amidst the obstacles that present a bar.

A renewal of the covenant with God
That promotes Him as our sovereign Lord
As the God of all mercy and all grace
And that has always kept His Word.

A renewal of love for our country
That surpasses one’s preoccupation with party
A renewal that upholds the common good
And commits to our national unity.

Image result for images for thanksgiving to God

This word not only called us to reflect
And to commit to the values we once held
But it prompted us to give thanks to God
And of His grace to others tell.

Stewart Russell © 2016

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