Saturday, May 07, 2016

Scrap the Strap Crap

Image result for images of spare the rod and spoil the child

Which is it?  Scrap the strap
Or is it scrap the strap crap?
Maybe it’s the latter
For with the former it was better.

Many complaints about tarring
Yet no evidence for scarring
But many are calling for the barring
Of the strap; blaming it for societal marring.

If the truth be told
By them that are bold
The lesser the strap’s use
The higher the abuse.

Note the ones who received the strap
These are the ones who talk the crap
They hold prominent places in society
Yet are trying to confuse the community.

Suddenly the strap is the enemy
Driving fear in society
Causing students to resort to bullying
And weaker students they controlling.

Clearly this is an untruth
Having no established proof
Absolutely no empirical evidence
Just talk that makes no sense.

Scrapping the strap
May be encouraging crap
Instead educate regarding its use
And so eliminate any abuse.

Isn’t it any wonder
To all who would ponder
That the nation is becoming worse
And clearly under some curse?

It does appear to me
As I take a look at the society
That we are losing our civility
For lack of fear of criminality.

Some say while in their emotive hype
Fear as motivation is a poor type
Yet it’s responsible for their success
And causes them to produce their best.

Healthy fear breeds respect
Unhealthy fear produces rejects
Please recognize the difference,
It’s not the same in every instance.

The administering of a lash
Oft prevents a more painful crash,
It’s like the stitch in time
And the garment remained fine.

When closest to the offence
It removes all pretense;
Just a little tickle with the strap
Gets the erring pupil back on track.

Sometimes a timely injection
After thorough investigation
Halts undesirable germination
And redirects one’s determination.
No strap means more guns
No strap will create more bums
No fear to stabilize
No need to rationalize.

It’s not a cure for all
It’s not a judgment call
Just a timely reminder
To the constant offender.

A little painful affliction
That prevents a bad addiction
Encourages introspection
And maps out a clear direction.

No need for abolition
Just apply with strict discretion
Coupled with love and affection
And avoidance of rejection.

Use the strap as the last resort
Never ever the first retort
Help the student himself comport
And with much discussion exhort.

As an option keep the strap
Don’t fall for the injudicious crap,
Retain it as a little used discipline tap
But please don’t scrap the strap.

Stewart Russell © 2015

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